First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Text/Pager Email
Name of the cat I am interested in* Choose an animal: Autumn Lockwood Bashful Batman Blondie Cantaloupe Castellanos (Cassie) Chips Daphne Europe Friend Jalepeno Nana Parsley Peggy Olsen Pigeon Segura Snow White Sunshine Sweet Tea Wonder Bread Xena Zoey
Please note: we cannot guarantee a specific animal will still be available at the time your application is processed. We will contact you if we are able to match you with this cat or one similar.
I want to adopt a cat for* Choose one: Myself My Kids Mouser Gift Other
How did you hear about Here Kitty Kitty Cat Rescue?
Your Nickname/Preferred Name
Are you 18+?* Choose one: Yes No
How long have you lived at your current address? *
How many other adults (18+) live in your home? *
How many children live in your home?*
Do all members of your household agree on adopting?* Choose one: Yes No It's a surprise
Is anyone in your home allergic to cats?* Choose one: Very allergic Mildly allergic No allergies Not sure
Who owns your home?* Choose one: Myself A family member/friend A company
*Renters must have written permission from their landlord; a copy of the lease showing approval is acceptable.
What is your experience with pets? (Please check ALL that apply)
For each pet CURRENTLY in your home please list the following: Pet's name / Species (dog, cat, etc.) / Breed (pit, lab, etc.) / Spayed/Neutered? (yes or no) / Age / Years Owned (eg. 2012-now)
For each pet you have PREVIOUSLY owned, please list the following: Pet's name / Species (dog, cat, etc.) / Breed (pit, lab, etc.) / Spayed/Neutered or not? / Age / Years Owned (eg. 1995-2001) / Why don't you have them anymore?
Veterinary practice used Please provide a name and phone number of the veterinarian you see for current pets AND previous pets you have owned. You may list more than one.*
Name of person on file with veterinarian, if not you:
Tell us about any other pets in your life.
How much can you budget MONTHLY for your pet's supplies and medical care?*
How much can you budget for your pet's medical care IN CASE OF EMERGENCY?*
Where will your new cat live?
What kind of exercise and playtime do you want with your new cat?
What do you look forward to doing with your new cat?
What do you plan to do for your cat's scratching needs?
How long do you expect to own this cat? *
How long will the cat be left alone in the home on an average day?*
What is the maximum length of time the cat will be left alone in the home?*
Under what circumstances, if any, would you need to return the pet to HERE KITTY KITTY CAT RESCUE? (check any that apply)
Is there anything else you think we should know, or anything you'd like to discuss with an adoption counselor?